Einstein @ Home
S5R3 Work Unit Crunch Time Ready Reckoner V4.0
Please follow these steps to obtain estimates of work unit behaviour
Step 1
Important Points To Read
All times are in seconds
Predictions are for data from a single machine only
Numeric fields will accept commas
For Step 5 data entry particularly :
Minumum two inputs, and generally the more the better
Zero or negative entries will cause that work unit to be ignored
Choose a spread of work unit sequence numbers that use the same frequency.
An expected average runtime is calculated for all work units at a given frequency
If no error is quoted then none applies. Zero will be explicit.
You may of course return to a previous step and re-input any parameters.
Re-calculation is automatic after a given data entry, excepting use of the
Use Estimates button.
NaN in a field indicates either an bad input somewhere earlier,
or an unacceptable calculation result ( various causes ).
This an UNOFFICIAL toy. No warranties are implied or express whatsoever
I would be very glad to receive any & all feedback ! ;-)
Cheers, Mike
Step 2
Firstly we need to find and examine the work unit identifier. It looks rather like this :
XXXX.XX is a decimal number like 345.67 which is the
search frequency F for the unit.
YYY is an integer number like 123 which is the
sequence number S for the unit.
Open BOINC Manager and maximise the window.
For a running task you will find it by
Select the Tasks tab
Look in the column under the Name heading
Alternatively you could also find it by
Select the Projects tab
Highlight Einstein@Home in the column under the
Project heading
Click the Your results button toward the bottom of the
Web Sites panel on the lower left
This will open your browser at the page which shows your recent tasks including any pending ones
Select a work unit of interest by clicking on one in the column under the
Work unit ID click for details heading
Step 3
We will first calculate the period P
of the work unit cycle.
This depends upon the sky search frequency F .
Step 4
Now we will calculate the phase R
of the work unit within the cycle, and sequence numbers with similar runtimes
This depends upon the work unit sequence number S
and the period P.
Step 5 [ OPTIONAL ]
For a sequence of work units you may wish to attempt an estimation of peak runtime
A and variance B.
This depends upon the running time T
and sequence number S
for each of 2 to 8 work units.
Please note this advice!
Step 6
To finish we will calculate the expected runtime T
of your work unit.
This depends upon estimates of the peak runtime A,
the runtime variance B and
the phase R.